< wpparagraph > <p><a href=httpsimagespexelscomphotos4530184pexels photo 4530184jpegauto=compresscs=tinysrgbdpr=2h=650w=940><a>Did you know that about <a href=httpsnewsroomaaacom201303aaa says millions of motorists still locked out on smart car keys>4 million drivers<a> get locked outside of their vehicles every year<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>Even if you didnt know that you almost certainly know what it feels like to be stranded in the middle of nowhere And what could be worse if it happens to rain or the sun decides to go extremely hot on the same day<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>Panic begins to creep in making it more challenging to think of a solution If youve never been stuck in a car lockout situation its not improbable that it will never happen to you in the futurethough we dont wish it upon you<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>In any case its vital to be prepared for the worst Here are some tips you must keep in mind if you ever manage to lock yourself outside your car<p> < wpparagraph > < wpheading > <h2>Keep Calm and Collected<h2> < wpheading > < wpparagraph > <p>Though its easy to panic in a car lockout thats when you need to recall this tip and try to remain collected Due to the current pandemic you might not be able to find an open restaurant or car driving by to ask for help Keep a clear mind and consider taking the following steps<p> < wpparagraph > < wpheading > <h2>Call Someone With a Spare Key<h2> < wpheading > < wpparagraph > <p>Most people have their car key duplicates stored at home but they end up forgetting about them because of the panic and frustration Ask a family member or a good friend if they can pick the duplicates from your home and bring them to you If you live alone and no one else has the keys to your home move on to the next step<p> < wpparagraph > < wpheading > <h2>Find a Place for Shelter<h2> < wpheading > < wpimage id4202sizeSluglarge > <figure class=wp block image size large><img src=httpsmylocallocksmithtxcomwp contentuploads202007Shelter 768x1024jpg alt=ATM signage near machines class=wp image 4202><figure> < wpimage > < wpparagraph > <p><a href=httpsimagesunsplashcomphoto 1562457346 51e4c5698310ixlib=rb 121ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9auto=formatfit=cropw=675q=80><a>You may find a petrol pump a hotel a bank or a grocery store nearby on your Google Maps Check for how far the shelter is and whether you can walk there If its not within walking distance try calling a taxi or getting a passerby lift If youre going with the latter option make sure you dont hop into a car with a strange looking driver like the one in horror movies If youre stuck in an area with no traffic whatsoever sad no lift now move on to the next step<p> < wpparagraph > < wpheading > <h2>Call an Automotive Locksmith<h2> < wpheading > < wpparagraph > <p>This one is our favorite And not because we are the locksmiths but because it <em>really<em> is the most effective thing to do in a car lockout situation Everything else that you do will take time and considering the current crime situation it isnt safe to be out there alone for so long <a href=httpsmylocallocksmithtxcomautomotive>Automotive locksmiths<a> will be there at your service in no time and they will help you get access inside your car at affordable rates<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p>If you ever find yourself locked out of your car get in touch with us for reliable <a href=httpsmylocallocksmithtxcomemergency>emergency car lockout services<a> in Arlington or other Texas areas Well reach out to you within minutes and put an end to your misery<p> < wpparagraph > < wpparagraph > <p><a href=httpsmylocallocksmithtxcomcontact us>Call us at 682 253 1593<a> for more information about our <a href=httpsmylocallocksmithtxcomresidential>residential and commercial locksmith services<a><p> < wpparagraph >