The Need For Service Key
Before you need to look for affordable car key replacement, read this advice from a locksmith.
My Local Locksmith understands that usually when you call a locksmith to replace your car keys, or you have simply locked your keys in your car and don’t have a spare key, it is not a planned expense. We also understand that not too many people have given much thought into how to save themselves money when it comes to the unfortunate event of losing their keys.Most of us believe it will never happen to us, but sadly it eventually does happen to all of us. There are many ways to lose your car key, some are just plan out of your control. The worst of which is when your purse or gym bag is stolen with your keys in them. Our best advice for everyone is in order to save yourself money later you must be prepared and get yourself a service key today. The best gift you can give yourself in life is to be prepared.With the hustle and bustle of summer we know from experience that slip ups like locking your keys in your car or losing them are more likely to happen. In order to help our customers out, we are running a special on service keys. Happy summer y’all, from our family to yours!
What is service key?
I bet you are asking yourself what is a service key and why have I never heard of it before if it can save me money. Every car key, be it a fob, transponder key, remote head key, push to start, valet key (or any type of key) has a specific shape or cut to it. That is why you cannot open your wife’s car door with your car key. When you turn your car key in the door of your car, it pushed different pins with will release the lock.
A service key would be a metal key that is a duplicate copy of your car key’s specific cuts. If you have a push to start car, you will find your service key inside the key fob. This key will allow you to open your door, but will not allow you to start your car, unless you have the fob. This is what makes your service key a cheaper way to have a spare, because it does not come with the cost of programming the key to start your car.
Why is it important to have a service key?
A service key will be your most treasured asset on that inevitable day you either lock your keys in the car or have lost your car keys and need to replace them. With a service key My Local Locksmith can simply copy the specific cuts of your key and get you your new keys faster and cheaper. Without a service key however, the technician would have to use your VIN number to order and buy the code that has the specific cuts of your key.
This can sometimes be a very lengthy process in which the technician has no control. Also, the price of a code is a much greater expense than a service key. If you lock your keys in your car, you can simply retrieve your service key and open the door. There is no need to call a locksmith or do something silly like damage your car trying to open the door by yourself.
How do you get a service key?
Call or come by our office, My Local Locksmith located in Arlington, Texas. We will use your car keys to duplicate you a service key and send you on your way within 10 minutes. If you do not have the time to pop into our store, we also provide a mobile service to better serve our customers. If you are at home, work, or out running errands, we can meet you at your location and happily make you a service key that will save you a lot of money in the future.With the hustle and bustle of summer we know from experience that slip ups like locking your keys in your car or losing them are more likely to happen. In order to help our customers out, we are running a special on service keys. Happy summer y’all, from our family to yours!